Next: How to establish communication between Head office and Branch office.
Saturday, April 16, 2011
Friday, April 15, 2011
CLI Modes of Cisco routers
User EXEC: Router >
This is a restricted mode. Here we can’t make changes or configure the router. In this mode users are only allowed to execute some commands like Ping IP address. We are not allowed to reload the router here. To exit from this mode type “logout” or “exit” command.
"Please Click the image"
Privileged EXEC: Router #
From the User EXEC mode the “enable” command takes us to the privileged mode which we have few rights to control the router. Here we can verify the configuration made in the router and also allows us to troubleshoot. Here we can configure router’s date and time and also we can manage configuration files. To exit from this mode types “disable” or “exit” command.
Thursday, April 14, 2011
Routing Logic
Routers are used to Communicate Systems from different TCP/IP areas.
Imagine that you are in Head Office, if you want to communicate with a person who is inside your Network (LAN) then Routers are not necessary unless your network is Sub-netted. But if you are trying to communicate with your Branch Office which is located 500 Km out from the Head Office, now you need the help of Routers.
Whenever any packet comes to the router where the destination IP address is not its own IP address the routers overwork of seeing the routing table and then forward the packet to the concern person. So the routers do IP routing.
After we configure the router, we configure all the systems in our network with a default gateway which is the router’s IP address. When the default gateway is added a default route gets added in the routing table. When the IP protocol does route it applies a default route only when there is no specific route available for that network destination. Routers also route the packet only when they have a matching route in the routing table, if the route is not available then routers drop the packet and generates an ICMP error message.
What is Router?
Router is a Layer 3 (Network Layer) device which means it works at first three layers of OSI Model (Physical Layer, Data Link Layer, Network Layer). Routers use the method called Packet Switching to transfer data from one place to another place on Network. Computers use its Operating System (OS) to work likewise Routers use its Internetwork Operating System (IOS) to work.
Cisco Packet Tracer
Cisco Packet Tracer is a powerful network simulation program that allows students to experiment with network behavior and ask “what if” questions. As an integral part of the Networking Academy comprehensive learning experience, Packet Tracer provides simulation, visualization, authoring, assessment, and collaboration capabilities and facilitates the teaching and learning of complex technology concepts.
Packet Tracer supplements physical equipment in the classroom by allowing students to create a network with an almost unlimited number of devices, encouraging practice, discovery, and troubleshooting. The simulation-based learning environment helps students develop 21st century skills such as decision making, creative and critical thinking, and problem solving.
Packet Tracer complements the Networking Academy curricula, allowing instructors to easily teach and demonstrate complex technical concepts and networking systems design. The software is available free of charge to all Networking Academy instructors, students, and alumni.
Download Packet Tracer
Packet Tracer supplements physical equipment in the classroom by allowing students to create a network with an almost unlimited number of devices, encouraging practice, discovery, and troubleshooting. The simulation-based learning environment helps students develop 21st century skills such as decision making, creative and critical thinking, and problem solving.
Packet Tracer complements the Networking Academy curricula, allowing instructors to easily teach and demonstrate complex technical concepts and networking systems design. The software is available free of charge to all Networking Academy instructors, students, and alumni.
Download Packet Tracer
GNS3 is a graphical network simulator that allows simulation of complex networks.
To allow complete simulations, GNS3 is strongly linked with :
* Dynamips, the core program that allows Cisco IOS emulation.
* Dynagen, a text-based front-end for Dynamips.
* Qemu, a generic and open source machine emulator and virtualizer.
GNS3 is an excellent complementary tool to real labs for network engineers, administrators and people wanting to pass certifications such as CCNA, CCNP, CCIP, CCIE, JNCIA, JNCIS, JNCIE.
It can also be used to experiment features of Cisco IOS, Juniper JunOS or to check configurations that need to be deployed later on real routers.
This project is an open source, free program that may be used on multiple operating systems, including Windows, Linux, and MacOS X.
Download GNS3
To allow complete simulations, GNS3 is strongly linked with :
* Dynamips, the core program that allows Cisco IOS emulation.
* Dynagen, a text-based front-end for Dynamips.
* Qemu, a generic and open source machine emulator and virtualizer.
GNS3 is an excellent complementary tool to real labs for network engineers, administrators and people wanting to pass certifications such as CCNA, CCNP, CCIP, CCIE, JNCIA, JNCIS, JNCIE.
It can also be used to experiment features of Cisco IOS, Juniper JunOS or to check configurations that need to be deployed later on real routers.
This project is an open source, free program that may be used on multiple operating systems, including Windows, Linux, and MacOS X.
Download GNS3
How does the OSI Model function?
OSI Model is a combination of Seven Layers which we already discussed. Now how those layers works for communication through Network, this works in a form called Encapsulation and Decapsulation.
Data sending end encapsulates the data and receiving end Decapsulates the data.
In the above example the data from the computer has been sent through Internet to another computer. Application Layer is which user work assume that we are sending Mail to our friend. The data is now sent to Presentation Layer.
Presentation Layer converts the data to ANSII coded file which the other computer can understand. Then the data sent to Session Layer and then to Transport Layer.
Transport Layer cuts the data in to several pieces and Sequence Number is been added to each piece in order to rearrange it properly by the receiving end. Then TCP header is added this encapsulated part is called Segment. Now the segment is sent to Network Layer.
Network Layer adds from address and to address which we call Source IP address and Destination IP Address in order to route the packet through the internet. In this layer the encapsulated data is called Packet. Then packet is sent to Data Link Layer.
Data Link Layer encapsulates the Packet with Source and Destination MAC Address and at the end FCS (Frame Check Sequence) for error checking is also added. This type of encapsulated data is called Frame. Now the frame is sent to Physical Layer.
Physical Layer converts the frame into digital signal which can transmit through the Network Cable. Now the data has been sent through the Physical Medium.
Decapsulation is the process which happens at the receiving end.
Physical Layer receives the signal that we sent in the previous section, now the signal is converted to frame and sent to its upper layer which is Data Link Layer.
Data Link Layer checks the MAC Address to confirm that this frame has been sent to this computer, after confirmation it performs the CRC (Cyclic Redundancy Check) to know the frame is corrupted or received properly. Then the information that was added by the remote Data Link Layer has been removed and sends the packet to Network Layer.
Network Layer verifies the IP address in the packet with its own IP, if it matches then the remote Network Layers information has been removed and sends the Segment to Transport Layer.
Transport Layer rearranges the Segment with its Sequence Number and sends an Acknowledgement to Remote computer that it received the data properly or not. Here TCP is used for the transmission, click here to know more about TCP. Then data has been sent to its upper layer, so that the user received the Mail that was sent by us in the previous section. :)
IP (Internet Protocol)
TCP/IP is the commonly known protocol, we already discussed about TCP. Now what is IP and what it does?
Internet Protocol (IP) is used for routing packets. TCP & IP works together to communicate through internet but they works at different layer. IP works at Network Layer (Layer 3) where routing and forwarding takes place. IP is the main Protocol at Network Layer. We know how TCP works, it chops the data in to several pieces and adds Sequence Number in order to rearrange it properly, but who says that these pieces must be delivered to whom?
When the segments are ready to go then it reaches the Network Layer, Internet Protocol Adds an IP Header which contains the Source IP Address and Destination IP Address so now the packets can travel through the internet. It’s same as we sending Mail with From Address and To Address. All the sending Packets doesn’t travel in the same route, it takes different route but to reach the same destination.
TCP (Transmission Control Protocol)
Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) is the major transport protocol because of its reliability. TCP is a layer 4 protocol which lies at transport layer. It is a connection oriented protocol which establishes a logical connection between source and destination computers before it transfers data.
For Example:
We make a phone call to contact a person, but we only Start our conversation if the person other side picked up the phone.
Same as the above example TCP first establishes connection between the computers. TCP is an end to end reliable protocol which takes responsible for whether the sent data is received by the other end by exchanging Acknowledgment (ACK).
Whenever a TCP Packet is sent, the acknowledgement is returned from the received end.
Getting into detail
The data we supposed to send will be chopped into several pieces, the pieces were loaded into containers for transport, and the containers are which we called Segments.
There is a limitation that how much of data should the segment carry at one go. This size keeps on changing according to the Network condition which is called Flow Control.
Each and every segments sent by System A are identified by a number called Sequence Number which helps the receiving end to rearrange the data in its original order.
The above Picture shows how TCP establishes Connection before Communication takes Place.
Step 1: TCP of A informs B with SYNC flag ON that I want to start sending segments from Sequence No: 300 so keep track on it. Acknowledgement is 0 because this is the first packet that A transfers, it hadn’t received any packets before from B to Acknowledge.
Step 2: B replies back with SYNC flag ON that I got your 300 send me 301. I want to start sending segments from Seq No: 700 so keep track on it.
Step 3: I got your 700 so you can start sending 701.
This is called Sequence Number SYNC (or) 3 Way Handshake.
Switch is used to connect multiple Computers in a Local Area Network same as the Hub does. Then why we need Switch instead of Hub?
Switch is an intelligent device whereas Hub got no intelligence. Switch is a Layer 2 device which works at Data Link layer of OSI Model. Layer 2 can recognize MAC Address.
Sys A sends data to Sys D, when Switch receives the signal from Sys A it saves the MAC Address of Sys A and it has no idea about Sys D MAC so it simply forwards the signal as Broadcast via all other ports.
Now Sys D sending reply to Sys A, when Switch receives the signal it saves the MAC of Sys D in the table and now it knows Sys A is located at Port 1 so forwards the signal only via Port 1.
Likewise Switch remembers all the MAC Address of the Computers. This method saves Bandwidth and prevents from the collision.
A Modem (Modulator-Demodulator) is used to translate Analog signal to Digital signal and Digital to Analog signal.When the Internet started to spread all over the world, it is hard to lay separate cable for every one who needs internet, so to solve this problem existing telephone lines are used. But telephone lines are supposed to carry Analog signals to transmit our voice, whereas Computers can only recognize Digital signals.
We need a translator who can translate Analog signals to Digital which computers can recognize, Digital to Analog signal which the telephone lines can carry. Modem is the translator here.
Hub is used to connect multiple computers in a single Network. It’s a Layer 1 (Physical Layer) device which simply Broadcasts the receiving signal.
Here Sys A sends a data to Sys D, when hub receives the signal from Sys A it forwards the signal via all the other ports. Now all the Computers connected in Hub except Sys A will receive the data but only Sys D will pick it. Hub is commonly known as a stupid Device, because it simply broadcasts the signal all over the network that makes the bandwidth down and causes Collision.
Protocol plays vital role in communication. Protocol is a set of rules, which leads the communication between multiple computers over the Network. It instructs the sender and receiver end while the communication takes place. IP, TCP, UDP, FTP, and HTTP these are some Major protocols.
Hyper Text Transfer Protocol (HTTP)
You can see "http://" at the URL bar of a web browser, which grabs the site for you.
Unicast and Multicast
I Hope you know what Broadcast is, if not Click Here
Unicast: (One to One)
This is simple like we know to whom we have to talk, so we just go and talk.
Computer knows the destination IP address, so it transfers the data directly to the concern computer.
Multicast: (One to Many)
To understand in a simple way, we forward a text message to our friends list, which means at a single transmission the text message has been sent to the persons only in our friends list.
Here I gave a brief explanation just to understand what Broadcast means.
Broadcast: (One to All)
This is a way to find the right person to communicate. To understand, if we want to communicate with John but we don’t know who is John in the group before us. So we shout “Hey John”, everyone will hear what we shout but only john reply back “Hey it’s me”, then we start our communication with him.
Likewise if a computer don’t know the destination Address of which it has to establish communication, so it simply send a broadcast, every computer in the local network receives the broadcast and only the concern computer reply back.
Limited Broadcast:
If a destination MAC address looks like FF: FF: FF: FF: FF: FF then it will be forwarded to all the computers in the Network, it’s a Broadcast MAC address.
Broadcast IP must be set to which means the packet will be forwarded to all computers in the Network.
This type of Broadcast Never crosses over the router.
Directed Broadcast:
It broadcasts only to a specified Networks Computer. This type of Broadcast crosses over the router. In this type of Broadcast only the host part of IP is defined as 255.
Example: /24 – It means the last octet is Host part
Address Resolution Protocol (ARP) is used to identify the hardware address (MAC) of a particular IP. For Computers on Network simply an IP Address is not enough to communicate, they need MAC address which is a layer 2 address whereas IP is a layer 3 address.
FF-FF-FF-FF-FF-FF - Broadcast, this data will spread all over the Local Area Network , which host has the IP will pick the data and reply back it’s MAC to the Source address.
As per the above picture User A wants to communicate with User B, before the communication takes place ARP generates a request to the local network to know the MAC address of User B which is a Broadcast. Reply from the User B is Unicast. Once User A receives the MAC address it stores in ARP Cache Memory.
FF-FF-FF-FF-FF-FF - Broadcast, this data will spread all over the Local Area Network , which host has the IP will pick the data and reply back it’s MAC to the Source address.
My IP – Source IP
Your IP - Destination
As per the above picture User A wants to communicate with User B, before the communication takes place ARP generates a request to the local network to know the MAC address of User B which is a Broadcast. Reply from the User B is Unicast. Once User A receives the MAC address it stores in ARP Cache Memory.
To see ARP Cache:
Start => Run => type cmd
What is OSI Model ?
Open System Interconnection Model (OSI) which is the basic and most important concept to understand in Networking. OSI Model consists of seven layers, each layer is designed for specific Networking task. These layers refer how the communication between several systems has to be done. OSI Model is the Standard way of communication on Network.
Encapsulation: The process of adding the layer covers.
De-multiplexing: The process of removing layer covers.
Physical Layer:
This is the first layer of OSI Reference Model. Physical Layer is the communication medium where multiple systems physically connected with each other. It’s responsible for transmission.
Data Link Layer:
It is Responsible for MAC, Identification, Error detection, Collision Management. It transfers the frame through Physical Layer. Switch operates at this layer.
Network Layer:
Packet Switching takes place here. Network Layer routes the data across the network. Internet Protocol (IP) works at this layer. Routers work at this Layer, which we call Layer 3 devices.
Transport Layer:
It is responsible for delivering data to the host computers. Transport Layer Provides reliability, flow control, which helps to avoid congestion during the data transmission. Transmission Control Protocol (TCP), User Datagram Protocol (UDP) works at this layer.
Session Layer:
Session Layer remembers the context, like which program you are working at, so that it makes to get the related reply easily. Session layer understand which particular context coming from which particular system.
Presentation Layer:
In a simple way it acts like a translator. Which means it presents the data in a way which helps the other system on the network able to understand it easily. Data compression and decompression, encryption and decryption performed here.
Application Layer:
It is the top most layer of the OSI Model. The application layer provides the environment for application data to be carried from one place to another. This means if we are working at web browser that data must be carried by HTTP. HTTP, FTP, Telnet, POP3, SMTP are some protocols works at this layer.
What is MAC Address ?
MAC address (Media Access Control) is also called as Physical address. It is an unique ID of Network Interface Card. It’s a 48 bit binary number, and it’s divided into two parts OUI & Unique Device ID. OUI must have 24 bit & Unique Device ID 24 bit. MAC address is always expressed in a Hexadecimal format. MAC address exists in the Second layer of the OSI Model (Data Link Layer). Every Computer has its unique MAC address. If you change your Network Card then your computer’s MAC address gets changed.
00 - 02 - B2 - 3D - 12 – 48


To know your MAC address type ipconfig /all in cmd.
physical address is the MAC address.
Public and Private IP address
Public IP is a unique IP so we can access it through the Internet. As we seen before, telephones in our home has its unique address so that we can make call from anywhere in the world.
Public IP Address Range
Class A: to /8
Class B: to /16
Class C: to /24
Class D: to - Reserved for Multicating.
Class D: to - Reserved for Multicating.
/* - no of Network bits.
Private IP address is reserved for LAN purpose. In offices we use extension numbers to make calls between departments (eg: 101, 102, 103) instead of unique telephone number. Using this extension numbers we can only make calls inside the office not from outside. Private IP is used to connect local computers. We can’t access the private IP computers from outside of its network.
Private IP Address Range
Class A: to
Class B: to
Class C: to
What is an IP address ?
As we know every telephone has its unique telephone address on the telephone network (eg: 2845****) , likewise each and every computer in the computer network is identified and located uniquely by its IP address. The IP address is 32 bits in length. We express the IP address in dotted decimal system. IP address is divided into 4 octets in dotted decimal system. An octet has 8 bits. Each and every octet is converted into decimal separated by a dot (eg:
IP Address = Network ID + Host ID
Telephone = Areacode + Tel.Number
A = First octet is Network ID + Three Host ID.
B = First two octets are Network ID + Two Host ID.
C= First three octets are Network ID + One Host ID.
D= These are reserved forMulticasting.
E= Reserved for Research
IP Address = Network ID + Host ID
Telephone = Areacode + Tel.Number
A = First octet is Network ID + Three Host ID.
B = First two octets are Network ID + Two Host ID.
C= First three octets are Network ID + One Host ID.
D= These are reserved forMulticasting.
E= Reserved for Research
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